Denise Austin, _The Man from Little River (notice of publication)_

Publisher: Sydney: Ark House, 2009 ISBN:

Reviewed by: Editor , ,

George McArdle was the bass player in the Little River Band (LRB), one of the most highly acclaimed rock music bands of all time and the first Australian group to make the top ten charts in the United States, achieving gold status. It is the only band of any nationality to have scored a top ten hit in the United States for six consecutive years. George came from a violent, abusive background and eventually he dived headlong into alcohol, fighting, theft, spiritualism and rock music. After playing with several minor bands, at the age of 21, he joined LRB and carved out his niche as one of the greatest bass players ever to come out of Australia. While a member of LRB, he underwent a profound spiritual conversion to Christianity. He then had to struggle through issues of baptism, new relationships, balancing religion and rock music and becoming a celebrity speaker on the church circuit. George left his successful music career, gave all his material riches away, and enrolled in Bible College. However, more challenges lay ahead when he married, became a pastor and then transitioned into post-ministry, post-celebrity life.