Sacramentally Sent: A Pentecostal Theological Reading of John 9


  • Rick Wadholm Jr. SUM Bible College & Theological Seminary
  • Andrew Ray Williams


In recent years, a number of Pentecostal scholars have begun addressing Pentecostal

interpretations of Scripture. Still, relatively little attention has been devoted to constructing Pentecostal theological readings of specific Scriptures intended to serve as a foundation for further collaboration within the larger ecumenical conversation. In sum, this project seeks to do just that by engaging John 9 via a Pentecostal literary and theological reading that seeks to be faithful to a broader ecumenical theological reading. The Pentecostal reading begins first with attention to the literary context of the passage, moving to the major theme of washing in the Fourth Gospel, and then progressing to read it literarily and theologically, noting implications for doctrinal reflection on the Christian rite of baptism with specific attention to the Pentecostal tradition of the Full Gospel message that Jesus saves, heals, baptizes in the Spirit, and is soon coming king. The end result is an original, constructive reading of John 9 and a model for how texts can be read sacramentally as a way of a more ecumenical, though specifically Pentecostally constructed approach.




How to Cite

Wadholm Jr., R., & Williams, A. R. (2021). Sacramentally Sent: A Pentecostal Theological Reading of John 9. Australasian Pentecostal Studies, 22(1), 122–135. Retrieved from