
A Pentecostal Perspective


  • Jacqueline N. Grey Alphacrucis College


This article explores worship from a Pentecostal perspective. Grounded in a framework of Pentecostal spirituality, the biblical foundations for Pentecostal corporate worship are first discussed. This leads to, second, a consideration of the rites of Pentecostal worship, which are outlined using the categories of Daniel Albrecht. This includes worship as a way of Christian life; the entire liturgy of a worship service; and a specific portion within the liturgy (or a section, or rite). Third, the distinctive features of Pentecostal worship are identified as experiential, embodied, narratival, and missional. Pentecostal corporate worship is an experience in which participants express their loving devotion to God while encountering the transforming presence of God. This results in mission as an eschatological hope of Pentecostal worship, as the renewed community reflects the love of God in mission to the world.




How to Cite

Grey, J. N. (2023). Worship: A Pentecostal Perspective. Australasian Pentecostal Studies, 24(1), 53–73. Retrieved from https://aps-journal.com/index.php/APS/article/view/9634